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Boosey & Hawkes

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
Live Stream - OSLmusic.org, New York, NY
Orchestra of St. Luke's
Composer's Notes

I Am a Strange Loop is a book by Douglas Hofstadter, examining in depth the concept of a strange loop to explain the sense of "I". The concept of a strange loop was originally developed in his book Gödel, Escher, Bach. He writes:

In the end, we are self-perceiving, self-inventing, locked-in mirages that are little miracles of self-reference.

In Strange Loops I explore musical loops - motifs and gestures that repeat, morph, modulate and recapitulate in various guises. At the heart of this piece is a sense of playfulness and yearning - inspired by the creative process in isolation.

Thank you to Jon Manasse and musicians of the Orchestra of St Luke’s for bringing this piece to life.

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