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2(II=picc)2(II=corA).2(II=bcl).2(II=dbn)- bells/tamb/tpl.bl/tom-t/BD/cyms/tam-t-harp-pft-strings(10-12.10-

Abbreviations (PDF)


Bote & Bock

This work is available from Boosey & Hawkes for the world.
World Premiere
Philharmonie, Köln
Tabea Zimmermann, viola / Gürzenich-Orchester Köln / François-Xavier Roth
Composer's Notes
Press Quotes

"It's a real concerto, and that means above all it is written for and not against the instrument... the viola’s dialogue with the orchestra or its individual groups is fascinating and imaginative - there are beautiful reciprocated motivic exchanges.”
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger

“Höller has composed a delicate concerto for viola and large orchestra, adopting the classical three-movement form of fast-slow-fast, with a chaconne underpinning the elegiac middle movement composed in response to Pierre Boulez's death..."
Online Music Magazin

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