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Number of Records Returned 9
  • 04/04/2025
    Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra / Matthew Halls
    Tampere Hall, Tampere, Finland
  • 06/04/2025
    Georgia Jarman, sop / Miles Mykkanen, ten / Gihoon Kim, bar / Tongyeong Festival Orchestra / Shi-Yeon Sung
    Concert Hall, Tongyeong, South Korea (Republic of)
  • 08/04/2025
    Studierende der Hochschule für Musik Franz Liszt Weimar / NN
    Weimarhalle, Weimar, Germany
  • 03/05/2025
    Residentie Bach Ensembles / Promenade Orkest / Jos Vermunt
    Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • 04/05/2025
    Residentie Bach Ensembles / Promenade Orkest / Jos Vermunt
    Amare, Den Haag, Netherlands
  • 25/05/2025
    Kiandra Howarth, soprano / Gerard Schneider, tenor / Samuel Hasselhorn, baritone / Chor, Extrachor & Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover / Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester / Michael Schønwandt
    Opernhaus, Hannover, Germany
  • Agnes Lipka, soprano / Markus Francke, tenor / Thomas Laske, baritone / Mädchenchor am Kölner Dom / KölnChor / Philharmonie Südwestfalen / Wolfgang Siegenbrink
    Philharmonie, Köln, Germany
  • 26/05/2025
    Kiandra Howarth, soprano / Gerard Schneider, tenor / Samuel Hasselhorn, baritone / Chor, Extrachor & Kinderchor der Staatsoper Hannover / Niedersächsisches Staatsorchester / Michael Schønwandt
    Opernhaus, Hannover, Germany
  • 06/09/2025
    Hiromi Omura, sop / James Gilchrist, ten / Roderick Williams, bar / Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra/Bournemouth Symphony Chorus/NHK Hiroshima Children's Choir / Gavin Carr
    Phoenix Hall, Hiroshima International Conference Center, Hiroshima, Japan
    Concert at 15.00
    Special performance for the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombing
Number of Records Returned 9

To explore past and future performance information please visit our Performance Search

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