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27 April 2016
Oakland Mills High School / Philip R. HaleOakland Mills High School, Columbia, MD, United States
Oslo Filharmoniske Orkester / Joshua WeilersteinOslo, Norway
CIT Cork School of Music Symphony Orchestra / Conor PalliserCork City Hall, Cork, Eire
Alexis Evers, fluteBeall Recital Hall, Eugene, OR, United States
Christa Navy, soprano / Marshall University / Elizabeth Reed SmithSmith Recital Hall, Huntington, WV, United States
NHK Symphony Orchestra / Leonard SlatkinSuntory Hall, Tokyo, Japan
Blechbläser der Deutschen Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken KaiserslauternHochschule für Musik Saar, Saarbrücken, Germany
NHK Symphony Orchestra / Leonard SlatkinSuntory Hall, Tokyo, Japan
Alexander Kenney, violin / New England Conservatory / Hugh WolffSymphony Hall, Boston, MA, United States
Pupils of The Yehudi Menuhin SchoolKonzerthaus, Berlin, Germany
Kuniko Kato, marimba / Maison de la culture du JaponMaison de la culture du Japon, Paris, France
Orchestre symphonique de Bretagne / Derek GleesonThéâtre National de Bretagne, Rennes, France
Orchestre symphonique de Bretagne / Derek GleesonThéâtre National de Bretagne, Rennes, France
Orchestre symphonique de Bretagne / Derek GleesonThéâtre National de Bretagne, Rennes, FranceConcerts also included performances of :
Lapsang Souchong
Hymn to a Broken Marriage
Jazzical Cyclebike
Flying Blind -
Sentieri selvaggiElfo Puccini Theatre, Milan, Italy
Sentieri selvaggiElfo Puccini Theatre, Milan, Italy
Bianca Sue Henne, director / Catriona Morison, soprano / Stefan Landes, percussionTheater unterm Dach, Nordhausen, GermanyBühne: Wolfgang Kurima Rauschning; Kostüme: Anja Schulz-Hentrich
Klaus Florian Vogt, tenor / Christoph Eß, horn / Stuttgarter Kammerorchester / Matthias ForemnyPhilharmonie, Köln, Germany
Alexej Gerassimez, percussion / Niederrheinische Sinfoniker / Mihkel KütsonKonzertsaal Theater, Mönchengladbach, Germany
Schleswig-Holsteinisches Sinfonieorchester / Peter SommererStadttheater (9am), Rendsburg, Germany
Ballet Title: MarimbaLar Lubovitch (1976), choreographer / BallettCompagnie OldenburgStaatstheater, Großes Haus, Oldenburg, GermanyEinstudierung: Katarzyna Skarpetowska
Nationaltheater-Orchester Mannheim / Markus HuberNationaltheater, Mannheim, Germanyexcerpt: No. 11/ Couplets de Roi de Béotie; No.12/ Duo de la mouche (Operettengala "Die ganze Welt ist himmelblau")
Susanne Schemschies, director / Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz: Elaine Ortiz Arandes, singer / Thomas Hastreiter, percussionMünchen, GermanyBühne und Kostüme: Anja Lichtenegger
Ballet Title: Tripped ItchAshley Page, choreographer / BallettCompagnie OldenburgStaatstheater, Großes Haus, Oldenburg, GermanyAusstattung: Jon Morrell
Bernstein - Bernard Yannotta: Trouble in Tahiti (reduced ensemble version) , Reduced orchestration by Bernard Yannotta (1999)Julia Wissert, director / Oldenburgisches Staatstheater / Carlos VazquezStaatstheater, Kleines Haus, Oldenburg, GermanyBühne: Thurid Peine; Kostüme: Viola Weltgen
Ballet Title: RubiesNew York City BalletDavid H. Koch Theater, New York, NY, United States
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Staatskapelle Weimar / Stefan SolyomFesthalle, Viersen, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest / Yannick Nézet-SéguinSt. Gallen, Switzerland
Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest / Yannick Nézet-SéguinSt. Gallen, Austria
Karlsruhe, Germany
Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest / Yannick Nézet-SéguinSt. Gallen, Switzerland
Berlin, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
Karlsruhe, Germany
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