Hannah Eisendle
• Hannah Eisendle is a conductor, composer and pianist.
• Her compositions are often inspired by extra-musical impressions, by images and other art forms.
• Studied piano at the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre, and composition and conducting at the mdw ? University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
• Received important impulses for her work from Marin Alsop, Cristian Macelaru and Johannes Schlaefli, as well as at the Cabrillo Festival and at the Darmstadt Summer Courses.
• Is in demand internationally as a conductor, and is particularly interested in the genre of music theatre.
• Composition commissions from the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Vienna State Opera, the Wiener Concert-Verein and the Carinthian Summer Festival, among others.
• Teaches composition at the Gustav Mahler Private University for Music in Klagenfurt.
Works by Hannah Eisendle include:
Azinheira (2024) for orchestra
heliosis (2022) for orchestra
– grey – (2022) for viola,trombone and percussion
mastering silence (2013) for string quartet
Looking Ahead: new orchestral work to be premiered by Wiener Concert-Verein with the composer conducting (30 Apr)
“Hannah Eisendle has an expressive, clear and convincing voice. She brings to her compositions the wealth of knowledge gained as a gifted pianist and conductor. This understanding is evident in her musical language, a quality that immediately draws the listener in.”—Cristian Macelaru
Also visit the Hannah Eisendle website at www.hannaheisendle.com