Georg Katzer
One of the pioneers of electronic music in former East Germany * His teachers included Ruth Zechlin and Hanns Eisler * Worked in several European studios for experimental music * Tendency to use unconventional playing techniques and advanced compositional methods * Georg Katzer's music is often dramatic in tone and seems as if written for the stage * Apart from opera and ballets, he wrote instrumental stage works, multi-media compositions, radiophonic compositions and electro-acoustic pieces * Developed a concept of a 'philosophical' music, which nonetheless immediately attracts the listener
Works by Georg Katzer include:
Gloria (1992) for orchestra
Abgebrochene Sätze [Broken Phrases] (1993) for alto and ensemble
Triple Concerto (1994) for alto saxophone, accordion, percussion and orchestra
"Composing is easy today since everything is possible. Composing is difficult today since everything is possible… Such unlimited freedom is hardly tolerable… Thus today composing means also to make a decision for or against a music which is sensual and strictly speaking, emotional. There is more than one alternative: naive music…, contemplative, conceptual music or intellectual, almost‚ philosophical' music." — Georg Katzer