Elizabeth Poston
Elizabeth Poston was an English composer, writer and pianist, who edited and collected folksongs * Studied at Royal Academy of Music in London and took private keyboard tuition from Harold Samuel * She made her name as composer at age of 20 with seven songs, including highly popular Sweet Suffolk Owl * Vocal music of 1920s combined influence of her friend Peter Warlock with developing neo-classical style * In 1930s left composition to pursue overseas exploration, archeology and folksong collecting " During war, worked in London for BBC, becoming Director of Music for European Service Broadcasting, and active as pianist, including National Gallery Concerts * In 1940s close acquaintance with Vaughan Williams led her back to folksong and composing * Wrote music for new medium of radio play, collaborating with Dylan Thomas and C.S. Lewis * In later years composed choral music and published Penguin Book of American Folksong, Cambridge Hymnal and Faber Book of French Folksongs * Lived for 73 years at Rooks Nest House, the subject of E.M. Forster's Howards End, and wrote score for film adaptation in 1970
Works by Elizabeth Poston include:
Sweet Suffolk Owl (1925) for voice and piano
The Lake Isle of Innisfree (1928) for voice and piano
Five Songs (1928) for voice and piano
Songs of the Women of Britain (1956) arranged for chorus and piano