Charles Collins
Charles Collins is best known for writing works which are appropriate for younger choirs * Highly accessible arrangements and original works are often light and refreshing, and feature styles ranging from blues to world music * Long association with conductor Ethelyn Sparfield and the St.Louis Symphony Children's Choirs inspired many works * In 1994 was composer-in-residence at the CME Institute for Choral Teacher Education and has received his Artist-Teacher Certification from the Institute * Currently is Director of Music at St.Paul University Children's Chorus in St.Louis and teaches piano privately
Publications by Charles Collins include:
The Four Seasons for 2 & 3 pt treble voices & piano
Mary Had A Little Blues for 2 pt treble voices & piano
"St. Louis composer Charles Collins has created a truly imaginative and appealing
array of choral music to inspire young choirs" - Doreen Rao