Bertold Hummel
• Studied composition in 1947 under Harald Genzmer
• In 1952, his Missa brevis op.5 is performed at the 'Donaueschinger Musiktage'
• After several composition awards, he takes the post of a teacher of composition at the Bavarian State Conservatory of Music, Würzburg in 1963
• He becomes director of the newly-founded 'Studio for New Music'
• Composes several religious works for the Würzburg cathedral
• His works contain a number of pieces for a solo instrument and orchestra, including horn and percussion
• In 1975, his ballet Die letzte Blume (The Last Flower) after James Thurber is performed with great success in Würzburg
• He has produced over 200 works, performed in several continents, and won numerous awards
Works by Bertold Hummel include:
Divertimento capriccioso op. 15 (1958) for harpsichord and orchestra, after Pergolesi
Reverenza (Symphony No.2) op. 30 (1966) for orchestra
Die letzte Blume (The Last Flower) op. 55a (1975) Ballet
Music for alto saxophone and orchestra op. 96b (1995)
Also visit the Bertold Hummel website at www.bertoldhummel.de