Annette Schlünz
Annette Schlünz studied composition from a young age in Halle, becoming a pupil of Udo Zimmermann in Dresden and undertaking further studies in Berlin * Worked as teacher in Germany and South America * Won numerous awards including the Hanns Eisler Prize and Heidelberg Artists’ Prize * Co-founder of the COMPAGNIE DE QUATRE (German-French ensemble) * Co-operation with French sculptor Daniel Depoutot led to performance of the opera TagNachtTraumstaub (DayNightDreamDust) at EXPO 2000 in Hannover * Is actively engaged in interchange between early and new music * Music is finely wrought and subtle in effect, employing sensitive sifting and transformation of colours
Works by Annette Schlünz include:
Traumkraut (Herb of Dream) (1995) for 8 players
SOL-STITIUM (1997) for sextet
TagNachtTraumstaub (1999/2000) Chamber opera in co-operation with Daniel Depoutot