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John AdamsOpera in two actsPlays: 8959
John AdamsOpera in two actsPlays: 9068
John AdamsOpera in two actsPlays: 8448
John AdamsOpera in two actsPlays: 8610
John AdamsOpera in two actsPlays: 14030
Source: The Netherlands OperaAn exclusive look into the Netherlands Opera production of Louis Andriessen's La Commedia.Views: 17015
Source: Nieuw Amsterdams PeilScenes from Louis Andriessen's monodrama Anaïs Nin , premiered in Siena in July 2010, touring the Netherlands in November 2010 and travelling to Germany and the UK in 2011.Views: 27529
Source: Louis AndriessenLouis Andriessen introduces his new orchestral suite, Rosa's Horses , with music drawn from his operatic collaboration with Peter Greenaway and arranged by Clark Rundell.Views: 24267
Louis Andriessenfor soprano, 8 voices and large ensemblePlays: 14743
Louis Andriessenfor voice and ensemblePlays: 17214