Watch & Listen
A brief montage of scenes from the world premiere of Death and the Powers , on September 24, 2010 at the Monte Carlo Opera House in Monaco.Views: 7537
Tod Machoverone-act operaPlays: 12733
Tod MachoverPlays: 2741
Steven MackeyElectric guitar operaPlays: 9170
James MacMillanMusic Theatre work for speaker, actors, soprano and ensemblePlays: 10705
James MacMillanChamber opera for 5 singers and string orchestraPlays: 10448
James MacMillanfor 7 singers and chamber orchestraPlays: 6619
Pietro Mascagniopera in four actsPlays: 9293
Pietro Mascagniopera in four actsPlays: 7746
Peter Maxwell DaviesMusic-theatre work for male voice and ensemblePlays: 37602