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Sebastian Currierfor violin and orchestra I. Fragmented Time (excerpt) Anne-Sophie Mutter, violin / Alan Gilbert, conductor / New York Philharmonic © 2011 Deutsche Grammophon B0015877-02 Click here to purchase this album from Amazon.Plays: 9583
Source: Boosey & HawkesComposer Sebastian Currier talks about the fear and excitement he experienced the first time he heard one of his pieces performed when he was a teenager.Views: 1292
A conversation at Currier's Harlem apartment on September 6, 2012 - 2:00 p.m.Views: 10897
Source: Deutsche GrammophonWatch Sebastian Currier talk about his violin concerto Time Machines , dedicated to the violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter. The world premiere performance with Anne-Sophie Mutter appears on a recording available by Deutsche Grammophon.Views: 15945
Alan Curtisfrom 'Drama Queens' (Il Complesso Barocco Edition): 13 Selected Arias from the Early Baroque to the Eraly Classic Periods (ed. Alan Curtis)Plays: 13056
Frederick Curzonfor orchestraPlays: 5695
Frederick Curzonfor orchestraPlays: 13545
Frederick Curzonfor piano and orchestraPlays: 5513
Eugen d'Albertdrama in one act with a prelude and a postludePlays: 12932
Malcolm Dalglishfor SS & hammer dulcimerPlays: 11188