Watch & Listen
Harrison Birtwistlefor orchestraPlays: 10909
Harrison Birtwistlefor oboe, harp and countertenorPlays: 11826
Harrison Birtwistlefor alto saxophone, jazz drummer, wind, brass and percussionPlays: 16259
Harrison BirtwistlePlays: 15669
Harrison Birtwistlefor tuba and orchestraPlays: 12476
Harrison Birtwistlefor twelve female singers, three harps and alto flutePlays: 9874
Harrison Birtwistlefor baritone, tombak, mixed choir and ensemblePlays: 12952
Harrison Birtwistlefor orchestraPlays: 13566
Harrison Birtwistlefor soprano, reciter and ensemblePlays: 11869
Harrison Birtwistlefor soprano, countertenor and ensemblePlays: 6863