Watch & Listen
James MacMillanfor two treble soloists and choir a cappellaPlays: 18309
James MacMillanfor solo violin, ensemble and tapePlays: 12961
James MacMillanfor SATB chorus and organPlays: 17623
James MacMillanfor cantor, unison voices (congregation), TB chorus and keyboardPlays: 11894
James MacMillanfor violin and pianoPlays: 16208
James MacMillanfor SSAATTBB chorus a cappellaPlays: 9932
James MacMillanfor SSSAATTBB chorus a cappellaPlays: 9250
James MacMillanfor three mixed-voice choirs a cappellaPlays: 10488
James MacMillanfor SATB choir and organPlays: 10206
James MacMillanfor SATB chorus a cappellaPlays: 9729