Audio & Video
Annette SchlünzMusic for 8 instrumentsAufrufe: 1171
Annette Schlünzfor viola, cello and double bassAufrufe: 1188
Alfred Schnittkefor cello and orchestraAufrufe: 9939
Alfred Schnittkefor cello and pianoAufrufe: 9140
Alfred Schnittkefor piano, 2 violins, viola and celloAufrufe: 7537
Alfred Schnittkefor violin, viola and celloAufrufe: 7429
Alfred Schnittkefor mixed choir a cappellaAufrufe: 2710
Quelle: London Philharmonic OrchestraA video response to the music of Alfred Schnittke, an eclectic 20th century Russian composer being celebrated in a London Philharmonic Orchestra festival at London's Southbank Centre: November 15 to December 1, 2009.Aufrufe: 6745
Quelle: Oper BonnTrailer for Anno Schreier's Wunderland as performed by Oper Bonn (2016)Aufrufe: 8650
Franz Schrekeropera in one actAufrufe: 10964