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  • **He that dwelleth in the secret place**
    Becky McGlade
    for mixed choir (SATB div) a cappella
    Aufrufe: 991
  • **In the bleak midwinter**
    Becky McGlade
    for mixed voices (SATB) a cappella
    Aufrufe: 6272
  • **Infant Holy**
    Becky McGlade
    for mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
    Text: English (trans Edith M Reed)
    Aufrufe: 1293
  • **Missa Brevis**
    Becky McGlade
    for mixed choir (SATB div) a cappella
    Text: Latin (Mass)
    Duration: c10 minutes
    Difficulty: 3/5
    Aufrufe: 3128
  • **O the depth**
    Becky McGlade
    for mixed choir (SATB with divisi) a cappella
    Aufrufe: 974
  • **Paradise Found**
    Becky McGlade
    for mixed choir (SATB with divisi) a cappella
    Aufrufe: 1515
  • **The Lamb**
    Becky McGlade
    for mixed choir (SATB div) a cappella
    Text: English (William Blake)
    Aufrufe: 1307
  • **To a skylark**
    Becky McGlade
    for mixed choir (SATB with divisi) a cappella
    Aufrufe: 1389
  • **Scenes from Mer de Glace** (1992)
    Richard Meale
    Scenes from the opera Mer de Glace for orchestra
    Aufrufe: 4149
  • **Very High Kings** (1968)
    Richard Meale
    for orchestra (from The Mystical Voyage of Christopher Columbus)
    Aufrufe: 3767
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