Audio & Video
David T. LittleAufrufe: 2811
Quelle: Boosey & HawkesComposer David T. Little explains how darker stageworks like Wozzeck and Peter Grimes became his gateway into the opera world, leading him to write acclaimed operas including Soldier Songs, Dog Days, and JFK.Aufrufe: 2241
David T Littlefor solo cello, bass, drums, and electronicsAufrufe: 9238
Vassily Lobanovfor violin and pianoAufrufe: 529
Paul LohmanAufrufe: 4771
J.B. LullyAufrufe: 2859
Tod Machoverone-act operaAufrufe: 12809
Tod MachoverAufrufe: 2905
Tod Machover discusses his robotic opera, Death and the Powers , currently under development at the MIT Media Lab, in collaboration with the American Repertory TheaterAufrufe: 8074
Tod Machover, composer and creative director for Death and the Powers , talks about how he first came up with the idea for this innovative new opera.Aufrufe: 5863