Audio & Video
Brian FinleyAufrufe: 5293
Brian FinleyAufrufe: 6050
Gerald Finzifor Clarinet and PianoAufrufe: 5031
Gerald Finzifor Clarinet and PianoAufrufe: 4782
Gerald FinziAufrufe: 4624
Gerald Finzifor cello and orchestraAufrufe: 17080
Gerald Finzifor clarinet and string orchestraAufrufe: 17432
Gerald Finzifrom Lyric Suite, arr for concert band by John MossAufrufe: 18410
Gerald FinziCantata for tenor solo and string orchestra, on poems by Thomas TraherneAufrufe: 34131
Gerald FinziTen songs for baritone and piano, on poems by Thomas HardyAufrufe: 15798