The Sun Danced' (2016)
Plays: 3552
for soprano solo, chorus and orchestra
Duration: 02 mins 49 secs
Mary Bevan/The Sixteen/Genesis Sixteen/
Britten Sinfonia/Harry Christophers
(c) and (p) The Sixteen Productions Ltd 2020
Coro COR16179
Aos pés da Cruz recebi todos os homens e
mulheres como meus filhos, nascidos para a
vida eterna pela morte do meu Filho.
Quando os Apóstolos esperavam a vinda do
Espirito Santo, o prometido,
eu uni as minhas súplicas às preces deles
e tornei-me o modelo para um povo suplicante.
Elevada por fim a glória do céu,
eu envolvo com o meu amor eterno o povo
peregrino, e em amor dirijo os passos
dele para a morada celeste,
até à gloriosa vinda do Senhor.
At the foot of the Cross I received all men and
women as my children, born to eternal life
through the death of my Son.
When the Apostles were awaiting the coming of
the Holy Spirit, the promised one,
I united my supplications to their prayers
and became the model for a supplicant people.
Finally elevated to the glory of heaven,
I surround with my eternal love the pilgrim
people, and lovingly direct their steps
to the heavenly dwelling place,
until the glorious coming of the Lord.
James MacMillan
Portuguese translation © Eduardo Ganilho
compilation © James MacMillan
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