War Requiem: Dies Irae (1961)
Plays: 15179
for soprano, tenor and baritone soloists, SATB chorus, boys' chorus, chamber orchestra, and full orchestra.
II. Dies Irae: Be Slowly Lifted Up (conclusion) - Dies Irae - Lacrimosa - Move Him Into the Sun (opening)
Duration: 05 mins 25 secs
Michael Volle / Lynda Russell / Thomas Randle / Scottish Festival Chorus / St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral Choir / BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra / Nigel Boddice / Martyn Brabbins
(p) and © 1996 HNH International Ltd
Naxos 8.553558-59
...May God curse thee, and cut thee from our soul!
Dies irae, dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla,
Teste David cum Sibylla.
Quantus tremor est futurus,
Quando Judex est venturus,
Cuncta stricte discussurus!
Lacrimosa dies illa,
Qua resurget ex favilla,
Judicandus homo reus,
Huic ergo parce Deus.
Move him into the sun -
Gently its touch awoke him once,
At home, whispering of fields unsown.
Always it woke him, even in France,
Until this morning and this snow.
If anything might rouse him now
The kind old sun will know.
Wilfred Owen
Requiem Mass
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