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Plays: 7511

opera in one act

How Strange You Are (complete)

Duration: 03 mins 33 secs

Philip Torre / Theodora Fried / Manhattan School of Music Orchestra / David Gilbert
© 1995 Newport Classic
NPD 85605/2

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Text heard on Sample:


John: How strange you are.

Julie: Strange? So are you strange. So is everyone. So is life.
As strange as slime on a stagnant pool. Bubbles of scum caught in the slime:
That's all we are. Sometimes we float into a stream and drift.
And drift until we start to circle around the edge of a whirlpool.
Dizzily, we're sucked out of sight by the black mouth at the center of the whirlpool.
Then the falling begins.
Ever since I can remember I've dreamt about falling, again and again.
Trapped at the top of a pillar, I tell myself: jump and you'll be safe.
I'm too afraid. I close my eyes. The dizziness begins.
I whirl down through the sky, swallowed by earth,
Deep inside earth. I come to rest, safe.


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