Lovely is the dark blue sky
Plays: 2775
for mixed voices (SATB with divisi) a cappella
Text: English or Norwegian
Duration: 04 mins 19 secs
Boosey & Hawkes Singers
James Davey, conductor
(p) and © Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd
Lovely is the dark blue sky,
Joy to see for every eye;
How the golden stars are blinking,
How they’re smiling, how they’re winking
From the earth to Heaven high!
In the midst of Christmas night,
Through the dark a glimmering light;
Suddenly we saw appearing
Brightest flame, the heavens clearing,
Like a little star-sun bright.
Blessed star, as bright as day,
Toward the Child you light the way;
Bright and glorious through the ages
As foretold in sacred pages,
Shine upon our path, we pray!
English translation by Charles Anthony Silvestri,
Kim André Arnesen and Anon
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