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Plays: 6640

Let all the worldfor upper voices (SSAA) & organ

The Chamber Choir of St Mary’s Calne
David Bednall (organ), Edward Whiting (director)
(p) and © by Regent Records Ltd, www.regentrecords.com
Regent Records REGCD327

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Text heard on Sample:

Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King!
The heavens are not too high, His praise may thither fly;
The earth is not too low, His praises there may grow.
Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King!

Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King!
The church with psalms must shout, no door can keep them out;
But, above all, the heart must bear the longest part.
Let all the world in every corner sing, my God and King!

George Herbert (1593–1633)

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