Seinte Mari moder milde (1995)
Plays: 12070
for SATB chorus and organ
Duration: 04 mins 17 secs
Andrew Reid / Westminster Cathedral Choir / Martin Baker
(p) and © 2001 Hyperion Records Ltd.
Hyperion CDA67219
Seinte Mari moder milde,
Mater salutaris;
Feirest flour of eni felde
Vere nuncuparis.
Thorou ihesu crist thou were wid child;
Thou bring me of my thouhtes wilde
That maket me to dethe tee
Mi thounc is wilde as is the ro
Luto gratulante.
Ho werchet me ful muchel wo
Illaque favente.
Bote yef he wole wende me fro,
Ic wene myn herte breket a two
Ic am ifaiht bo day ant naiht
Suete levedi, flour of all,
Vere consolatrix,
Thou be myn help that I ne fall,
Cunctis reparatrix!
Mildest quene ant best icorn,
Niht ant day thou be me forn
Yef me grace to see thi face
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