Der weise Mann (1977)
Isang Yun
Plays: 6900
Cantata for baritone, mixed chorus and small orchestra
Duration: 03 mins 00 secs
Carl-Heinz Müller (baritone) / members of the Kammerchor Ernst Senff / Instrumental-Ensemble Berlin / Peter Schwarz
(p) + © 2005 Internationale Isang Yun Gesellschaft
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BARITON: Worte des Predigers Salomo
CHOR: Stimme in der Volksversammlung
Ich habe unter der Sonne
auch diese Weisheit gesehen
CHOR: Weisheit
BARITON: die mir schwer einfiel
CHOR: schwer fiel
BARITON: die mich groß dünkte
CHOR: groß dünkte...
(Words of the Preacher Solomon
Voice in the People's Assembly
I hav seen under the sun
this wisdom, too
— Wisdom
That seemed difficult to me
— Seemed difficult
That seemed great to me
— Seemed great...)
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