Affiliate Links
When you sign up as an Affiliate of The Shop at we will give you a percentage (the Affiliates Reward percentage) of the sales value of any scores or sheet music purchased by people who click through from your website to ours. We are currently paying out an Affiliates Reward percentage of 10%.
It's up to you whether you keep that percentage as commission income for your own organisation or whether you share it with your members in the form of a discount.
Option A: We pay 10% commission to you.
Option B: We pay 5% commission to you, and also offer your members (anyone who clicks through from your site to ours) a 5% saving on all their sheet music purchases.
Option C: We don't pay you any commission, but your members save 10% on all their sheet music purchases from us.
These three examples are not the only possibilities: you can customise the commission/discount split to any combination that suits you best.
There's no cost to you and you can be confident that you will be directing your site visitors to the world's leading classical music specialist.